Indoor Air Quality

Got Humid Air?
Moisture can build up in your home thanks to the humidity caused by showers, baths, washing machines and other appliances, not to mention running your AC on hot summer days. If you have too much moisture in your home, it’s uncomfortable and it can make it hard to breathe, especially for people with asthma or…

Spring is Here! How’s Your Indoor Air Quality and AC System Doing?
Dust, dirt, & allergens, oh my! Obviously, change your air filters regularly, but have you thought about having your air ducts cleaned? The comfort of your home is significantly affected by your indoor air quality. The presence of particles of dust, mold spores, pollen, and even insect droppings can cause reactions, even in the healthiest…

Is Your Heater Sucking the Moisture Out of You & Your Home?
When things start to cool down, and you turn on the heater, you may find your home feeling excessively dry. Dry air is more than an inconvenience. It can actually affect your health and your home. If your air isn’t balanced with the proper amount of moisture, it can enable viruses to linger longer in the air,…

Are Indoor Air Quality Products a Scam?
Over the years, people have become more skeptical about why they need indoor air products and if they even work. Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) products are often seen as unnecessary, which isn’t really true. Some people believe they’re just scams. With the spread of COVID-19 changing how we live our daily lives, more IAQ products…

Everything You Need To Know About Duct Cleaning
When you’re cleaning your home, you probably do the dusting every week or every couple of weeks (we don’t judge!). If you don’t dust regularly, the cobwebs and dirt soon build up. Now, imagine how much dust would build up over the course of a month in an area that you don’t see very often.…

What Can You Do to Fight Coronavirus in Your Home?
Things are scary right now. There are a lot of uncertainties, rumors, and confusing advice going round online about COVID-19. We know that things are stressful at the moment, so we’ve created this easy-to-understand guide covering a few ways you can protect your home – and addressing some of those online rumors too! You probably…

The Top 10 Causes of HVAC Airflow Problems
Airflow problems in your HVAC system can cause hot and cold spots in your home, weak or zero airflow from the vents and higher-than-average energy costs. Luckily, the underlying causes of HVAC airflow problems are pretty limited and can be easily figured out. Listed below are the top 10 things we regularly see causing airflow…